No Strings Mentoring (NSM)
Hello. My name is Cathy Bales.
I am a 50-something year young mother of 4, proud grandma, and I am excited to introduce you to NSM for wellness.
Now, about the name…The NS in NSM stands for NO STRINGS and is found in a beautiful song my husband Colin wrote for me on Valentine’s Day 1999, which hangs in our bedroom:
My commitment to you is complete.
My love for you has no strings.
You are always in my heart.
I will never leave you.
You deserve to know this.
So I’ll tell you with actions and with words.
My commitment to you is complete.
My love for you has no conditions, no strings.
The theme of loving one another with NO STRINGS (meaning unconditional love) became somewhat of a family motto. It’s how we aimed to love each other, our kids & grandkids, while still striving to provide guidance and boundaries.
Fast forward a few years, and we (Colin, and I) had written enough songs to put together a CD (remember those?). When it came to choosing a name for our music ministry, we went with: NO STRINGS MUSIC (NSM).
In the years that followed, we took an inventory of how we could most effectively serve others. The concept of mentoring was a common theme (building on a safe place of unconditional acceptance), and so under the banner of NO STRINGS MENTORING (NSM), we have had the privilege of serving as a foster family – NSM for kids, and as a maternity home – NSM home.
So, when it came to choosing a name for my health & wellness practice, it felt natural to go with NSM for wellness.
Now, you may be wondering how I was drawn to the field of wellness in the first place.
Like many others in this industry, my own health challenges have led me here. I have come to understand the limitations of the conventional health system and seen first hand the incredible self-healing power of the human body.
We are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), but we need to give our bodies the right elements to thrive.
I became a student of natural remedies.
For years, I researched and tried countless alternative treatments until I eventually decided to get some ‘official’ training behind me.
I am now over 20 years into my wellness journey and I have come to understand 2 very important things:
- Our bodies are incredibly designed to be self-healing...and a pill is not often the answer!
- Learning how our body and brain work is a pivotal stepping stone to finding health and wholeness again.
Simply put, where there is knowledge, there is power... the power to change!
And life is too short to just be in survival mode my friend, it's time to THRIVE!!
Now, my mess has become my message. Using my functional medicine training as a springboard, I equip all of my clients with a foundational understanding of the 5 PILLARS of HEALTH (Do you know what they are?), with a focus on the STRESS pillar being my sweet spot.
Would you like to know more? Let's chat!